Stealth Technology The F-117 reduces radar cross-section a number of ways. One method is by the extensive application of radar absorbent material (RAM). These plates of varying thickness are attached to the F-117's conventional aluminum structure by epoxy adhesive, not sprayed on as is often alleged. RAM absorbs rather than reflects incoming radar beams. The F-117's exterior paneling also makes it less observable. Flat or faceted surfaces are installed at angles greater than 30 degrees. Computer simulations determined that such angles reflect the radar's energy away from the source, instead of back toward it, thus creating the minimum radar return. To further reduce the F-117's observability, the cockpit canopy is coated with a gold film that lowers radar reflection. All of the Nighthawk's antennae and other protuberances are either retractable or removable. The aircraft's stealth qualities are further enhanced by reductions in its infrared signature, noise level, and visibility. The F-117A is so hard to detect that special reflectors are sometimes mounted on each engine compartment to make tracking easier during peacetime.